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Talk to the Guildmaster in the Champions' Guild. Ask him for a quest, and he will tell you to talk to Oziach, who is located west of Edgeville and is very close to the wilderness. Oziach says that to be able to buy a rune platebody from him, you have to kill the dragon, Elvarg, located on CrandorIsle. You will need to obtain three pieces of the map to get to the island. He will tell you to go the the Guildmaster for information on how to kill Elvarg. Ask the Guildmaster about all three … login
Talk to the Guildmaster in the Champions' Guild. Ask him for a quest, and he will tell you to talk to Oziach, who is located west of Edgeville and is very close to the wilderness. Oziach says that to be able to buy a rune platebody from him, you have to kill the dragon, Elvarg, located on CrandorIsle. You will need to obtain three pieces of the map to get to the island. He will tell you to go the the Guildmaster for information on how to kill Elvarg. Ask the Guildmaster about all three …
DA: 20 PA: 82 MOZ Rank: 64